"We have created a place where intense sadness and great joy can coexist in one place."
DELA's managing director Edzo Doeve first discovered the courtyard of the old Augustinianum during Glow more than seven years ago. "I had no idea of this hidden gem in the centre of Eindhoven. Later I came back and I was given a tour of the complex and I was sold. The icing on the cake was the Student Chapel by Don Bellot. Really beautiful! Wouldn't it be great if this neglected, but oh so valuable and historic part of Eindhoven, got a new destination and became part of the city centre again?"
Market exploration
Shortly thereafter, Doeve received a call from a good friend. The congegration was busy with the Augustinian fathers on "a market exploration" to give the complex a new purpose under the name New Mariënhage. Doeve: "It concerned the Paterskerk, the old gymnasium and the associated buildings. Whether DELA wanted to participate? I was standing somewhere outside on a square, but immediately responded with a cheer: yes, DELA definitely wants to participate!"

With heart and soul
DELA put together a team to tell our story. Doeve: "Our story is that we wanted to continue the work of the fathers with heart and soul. Work that focuses on reflection, inspiration and connecting people. We wanted to work on a place in the middle of society where the great events in life can be experienced during appropriate ceremonies. A place where intense sadness and great joy can coexist in one place. Where you can marry and mourn. With respect for the historical and spiritual power of the buildings. We also wanted to make it more transparent, more modern and equipped with contemporary technology and design."
True to the story
DELA left all other candidates far behind with that plan and then started working. First with the fathers, the municipality of Eindhoven and the province of Noord-Brabant. Then with architects, designers, artists and builders. Finally with our cooperation partners for operation. Doeve: "I think we have stayed true to the story of this oldest part of Eindhoven and have strengthened it. We could give it even more load and color with extra details and metaphors. The hotel, the Brasserie and the meeting rooms - meant to make the operation healthy - also fit in with our story of beautiful and meaningful encounters."
The story continues
Doeve is very proud of the result. Doeve: "So many people are involved, with all sorts of backgrounds and professional perspectives. Still it succeeded. Everyone also realized that they were working on something unique. Every detail has been thought through. The whole is really better than the sum of the parts. The story is really powerful and contagious. To say it in the words of Father Louis Mulder: "The story continues."